Large companies from the energy, petrochemical, and pipeline sectors are working together to scope carbon capture, use and storage opportunities in the Gulf Region
The Gulf Coast Carbon Collaborative is a cross-industry platform designed to mobilize the collective energy and motivation of businesses in the Gulf Coast to create measurable, long-term impact in reducing carbon emissions in the region while enhancing economic vitality.
Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) was identified by companies in the Collaborative as a decarbonization strategy worth pursuing together. CCUS projects are typically quite large in scale and scope, and multiple companies working together can help overcome barriers created by capital costs and infrastructure requirements.
The US BCSD team is working with this group of companies to gather data on applicable CO2 streams being produced by industrial operations in the region, and identify the appropriate guardrails for implementing a collaborative CCUS project. In addition, the team has also brought in technical experts from the University of Texas and other organizations to assess the geology potential and technical feasibility.
For large companies, these scoping activities will ultimately lead to a final deliverable of a collaborative project plan ready to be presented to company leadership. Smaller service providers involved in the effort may see additional business being generated in support of this effort as well.
US BCSD Project: Gulf Coast Carbon Collaborative
Impact Area: Carbon