Rio+20 and beyond: Business solutions for a sustainable world
In anticipation of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June, the WBCSD has published this brochure focusing on the progress made over the past two decades and the priorities in moving forward. In doing so, it highlights the global context, the role of business in that context, and provides snapshots of activities undertaken by both the WBCSD and the Regional Network across the world in response to prevailing challenges and opportunities.
The first two sections describe the journey of WBCSD and its Regional Network since the first Rio Conference in 1992. They outline the transition from early efforts to raise awareness and develop the business case for sustainable development, to more recent efforts to promote action on the ground and engage in advocacy activities.
The third section lays out joint WBCSD and Regional Network efforts to accelerate change toward a sustainable future, in line with goals outlined in the Council’s Vision 2050 and the respective local adaptations. A number of these topics will carry over into our joint US BCSD and WBCSD-US Spring Meeting on June 27-28, 2012.