Why Scaling Up is so Damn Hard

a conversation with Christine Bader, author of "The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil"

We'll be highlighting a new speaker and agenda theme each week leading up to our summer conference on June 25-26 at Yale University. This week, we're featuring Christine Bader, who will be delivering a keynote talk, "Why Scaling up is so Damn Hard," the morning of June 25th.

We all know what companies need to do. But what is it like to be the one who is assigned to actually do it? Why do even companies and individuals with the best intentions fail -- and what do they need in order to succeed? Christine Bader, Yale SOM '00 and Author of "The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil," was one of those people. She will kick off our conference by sharing reflections and lessons from her time with BP, weaving in the stories of other intrapreneurs inside big companies, to inform and inspire us.

Evolution of a Corporate IdealistAbout the Book

"The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist is a quick read, effortlessly gulped during a long airplane flight. The writing is clear and concise, and if the book doesn't leave one convinced that every multinational has suddenly developed a guiding conscience, it does offer some encouragement that many are on the way." --The New York Times

With special thanks to the Yale Center for Business and the Environment, we'll be providing copies of the book to all meeting attendees free of charge. Interested? Click here to register now.

BlogFatima Sadaqat