Ed Piñero Joins the US BCSD as Director, Water Projects

The United States Business Council for Sustainable Development (US BCSD) is pleased to announce that Edwin (Ed) Piñero is joining the Council as Director, Water Projects. Ed is joining the Business Council team to fill Susan Fernandes' role as the Water Program Director and Project Manager of the Louisiana Water Synergy Project. After seven years of dedicated work, Susan is retiring from the US BCSD, effective November 30th.

Susan notes, “I know that Ed will be a great leader to continue what we have started and take the US BCSD Water Program and the Louisiana Water Synergy Project further.”

Ed has a long history with the Louisiana Water Synergy Project, and as Senior Vice President for Sustainability at Veolia North America, spearheaded their engagement starting in 2011. Ed is a seasoned veteran in sustainability leadership, and brings to this role a strong mix of science, business, and policy experience. He currently serves as Vice Chair of the Alliance for Water Stewardship Board of Directors and is a member of the Alliance for Water Stewardship North American Steering Committee. He is also a member of America's Water Initiative Advisory Board.

Ed will be engaged with the US BCSD on part-time basis, and will continue as President of The Pinero Group LLC.

Get in touch with Ed: pinero@usbcsd.org | Linkedin | Twitter

The US BCSD is an action oriented and member-led nonprofit business association that harnesses the power of collaborative projects, platforms and partnerships to develop, deploy and scale solutions to ecosystems, energy, materials and water challenges.

Fatima Sadaqat